Heart of a Tree Summary ICSE

Heart of a Tree Summary ICSE Class 10 English

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ICSE Students can refer to Heart of a Tree Summary ICSE below which has been prepared by expert English teachers of ICSE as per that latest syllabus and guidelines issued by ICSE. These Chapter summaries have been prepared to help students to understand the entire chapter easily. You can also refer to more study material for ICSE Class 10 on our website

ICSE Class 10 English Heart of a Tree Summary

We have provided below a summary of Chapter Heart of a Tree. This is an important chapter in Standard 10th ICSE English. The summary provided below has been prepared by expert English faculty for ICSE based on the latest ICSE books. You should refer to all Chapter Summaries ICSE Class 10 English which will help you to understand all chapters and to get more marks in exams.

Heart of a Tree ICSE Class 10 English

About the Poet

Henry Cuyler Bunner (born August 3, 1855, New York–died May 11, 1896, New Jersey) was a poet, novelist and editor. His verse and stories provided vivid descriptions of the place where he lived and the people that he observed around him. He was a prolific writer. In 1893, he had a book published called “Made in France”: “French Tales Retold” with a United States Twist’. Earlier titles included- “The Midge (1886)” and “The Story of a New York House” which came out the following year.
Bunner produced a number of poetry collection including ‘Airs from a ready and Elsewhere’ (1884), Rowen (1892) and Poems (1896).
One of his short stories “The Tower of Babel” was staged in 1883. Another one, ‘Zenobia’s Infidelity’ was made into a Hollywood movie.


Man has been causing an immense destruction to nature by cutting down trees for his greed for agricultural land, timber and fuel, which is causing a big threat to our environment. ‘The Heart of a Tree’ is based on the universal concern and it discusses the various advantages we gain by planting a tree. The poet has praised the act showing that, it not only helps life on earth but also plays a major role in the nation’s growth.
The refrain of the poem before every stanza, ‘What does he plant who plants a tree?’ is a rhetorical question which is answered by the poet himself, explaining the worthiness and significance of planting a tree.
He has highlighted the achievement of the planter in three different stanzas, every stanza shedding light on various reasons as to, why the planter’s work should be considered divine and noble.

Explanation of the Poem

Stanza 1. “What does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants a friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;
The shaft of beauty, towering high;
He plants a home to heaven anigh;
For son and mother-croon of bird
In hushed and happy twilight heard
The treble of heaven’s harmony
These things he plants who plants a tree.”

Explanation: In the first stanza, the poet explains the value of planting a tree by telling that, the one who plants a tree is planting a friend of sun and sky. A plant grows upwards as if aiming to touch the sky and the sun and they all become friends. The tree requires sunlight from the sun and carbon-dioxide from air to survive. Thus, it absorbs the sun’s heat and saves the earth from the scorching sun and releases oxygen, making the air pure. Then, the poet compares the leafy branches to a flag which flutter with the cool and free wind. While the trunk of the tree acts as the pole of the flag standing high, it also redefines beauty.
The tree, which one plants, becomes the shelter for many mellifluous mother birds which sing to their little ones. She sings a gentle tone during twilight which creates an atmosphere of serenity and bliss. Her song (with a rising pitch) mingles with the melody of heaven, in perfect harmony.
Thus, who plants a tree, indirectly plants all these things.

Word Meanings :

Heart of a Tree Summary ICSE Class 10 English

Stanza 2. “What does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants a friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;
The shaft of beauty, towering high;
He plants a home to heaven anigh;
For son and mother-croon of bird
In hushed and happy twilight heard
The treble of heaven’s harmony
These things he plants who plants a tree.”

Explanation: In the second stanza, the poet further discusses by repeating the question and trying to answer it himself. The tree provides shade to man and animals. It binds the soil by retaining moisture. It is proved that trees help in bringing rain. Plants transpire, which leads to formation of clouds due to condensation, leading to rains.
Now , the poet talks about the benefit that the future generation will reap from the trees that one plants now. The tree contains the ‘seed and bud’, which would years later, bloom into new trees and forests, after the present one withers away. Thus, planting a tree now will bear fruits for the next generation, who would be joyous to receive this blessing and heritage. Trees are responsible for the ‘fade & flush’ of years i.e. the seasonal cycle. The trees make the otherwise very dull plains, beautiful.
Thus, a person who plants a tree now , is making way for provision of many gifts for generations to come in the form of food, timber, rain, shade and natural beauty, consequently paving way for the prosperity of human race.

Word Meanings :

Heart of a Tree Summary ICSE Class 10 English
Heart of a Tree Summary ICSE