Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Physical Education Set D

Sample Papers

Students can refer to the following Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Physical Education set D with Answers provided below based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued for ICSE Physical Education. All specimen papers have been prepared covering all chapters given in ICSE Physical Education book for Class 10. You should also refer to ICSE Class 10 Physical Education Solutions.

Sample Paper ICSE Class 10 Physical Education set D with Answers

Subject: Physical Education

Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Section A and two questions from Section B.
The intended marks for the questions or parts of questions are given in brackets ( ).

Attempt all questions.

Question 1
a.    Define Health Education. (2)
b.    What is understood by the term cramp? (2)
c.    Mention any three factors that influence the growth and development of an  individual.(3)
d.   Give any six components of balanced diet. (3)

Question 2
a.    Define Physical Education. (2)
b.    Mention any four ways of preventing injuries. (2)
c.    Give any three principles of sports training. (3)
d.    State any three causes of a bad posture. (3)

Question 3
a.    Mention any four factors affecting physical fitness. (2)
b.    Explain briefly RICER. (2)
c.    Why is warming up and cooling down important in sports. (3)
d.    Mention any three Sports related injuries. (3)

Question 4
a.    Briefly explain Mental development. (2)
b.    Name any two diseases spread by a bacteria. (2)
c.    State the importance of Health Education. (3)
d.    Name any six components of physical fitness. (3)

Question 5
a.     What is the difference between a defect and injury? (2)
b.     Explain the need for active participation in sports training. (2)
c.     Explain growth and development in adolescence. (3)
d.    Give the first aid treatment procedure for a person rescued from drowning. (3)

Attempt two questions from this section.
You must attempt one question on each of the two games of your choice.

Question 6
a.  i. Differentiate between a glance and a sweep shot. (8)
    ii. State any four duties of a Captain.

b. Briefly explain the following: (9)
    i. An over-throw
    ii. A power-play
    iii. A follow-on in a five-day match

c. i. State the ways in which a batsman can be declared out on a no ball. (4)
   ii. Name any four strokes played by the batsman on the onside in the region between the wicket keeper & the leg umpire.(4)

Question 7
a. Draw a neat labelled diagram of cricket field showing. (8)
    i. 30 yard circle
    ii. Short leg
    iii. Covers
    iv. Fine leg
    v. 3rd man
    vi. Danger area
    vii. Return Crease
    viii. Mid Wicket

b. i. Write down any four offside Fielding Position? (4)
    ii. Explain the term overthrow. (3)
    iii. Two ways in which a batsman can be out? (2)

c. i. What is meant by ‘extra runs’? Give two examples of extra runs. (3)
   ii. Mention three situations when a team’s innings is said to be complete? (3)
   iii. State the full form of ICC and BCCI.


Question 8
a. Explain the following terms in football: (8)
   i. An Expulsion
   ii. A Warning
   iii. Injury time
   iv. A Throw in.

b. i. Under what three situations is a player not considered off-side? (9)
    ii. State the position of the following during the execution of a penalty kick in a game of football:
       1.   The ball
       2.   The defending goal-keeper.
       3.   The players.
   iii. State any three duties of an Assistant Referee.

c. Draw a diagram of a Football field showing the following areas with dimension (mark for correct marking and dimension):
Touch lines, Goal lines, The goal area, The penalty area, The penalty mark, The penalty arc, The centre circle, The corner arc

Question 9
a. i. List the equipment which should be carried by referee while conduction of the match?(6)
   ii. State any three ways of restarting play. (3)

b. i. When is throw in awarded and how is it conducted? (4)
    ii. State any four ways of trapping the ball. (4)

c. i. What decision will be given by the referee in each of the following  situations:(3)
   1. If the goal keeper keep possession of the ball for more than six seconds.
   2. If a player received a second caution in the same game.
   3. If a player delays the restart of play.
   ii. List any five cautionable offences that can be committed by a player in football.(5)