Selina ICSE Class 8 Biology Solutions Chapter 4 Ecosystems

Selina ICSE Solutions

Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1. Put a tick mark (✓) against the correct alternative in the following statements:

1. The term “ecosystem” is derived from the Greek word “Oikos” meaning.
a. Body weight
b. Food
c. House
d. Size
Solution: House

2. Rat in any food chain would occupy the position of
a. Tertiary consumer
b. Secondary consumer
c. Primary consumer
d. Producer
Solution: Primary Consumer

3. Evergreen broad-leaved trees are characteristic of
a. Tropical rain forests
b. Temperate deciduous forests
c. Coniferous forests
d. All of the above types of forests.
Solution: Tropical rain forests

Short Answer Type:

Question 1. Mention if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
(a) Snakes are primary consumers.
(b) Some humans are strictly primary consumers & some others are of other types of
consumers also.
(c) No ecosystem can survive without light.
(d) Cattle go to ponds for drinking water, so they are a constituent of pond ecosystem.

Selina ICSE Class 8 Biology Solutions Chapter 4 Ecosystems

Question 2. Match the items in Column I with as many items as possible in Column II.

Selina ICSE Class 8 Biology Solutions Chapter 4 Ecosystems


Selina ICSE Class 8 Biology Solutions Chapter 4 Ecosystems

Question 3. Rewrite the following in their correct sequence in a food chain:
(a) Snake → Grasshopper → Grass → Frog
(b) Grass → Tiger → Deer
(c) Snake → Peacock → Rat → Wheat

(a) Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake
(b) Grass → Deer → Tiger
(c) Wheat → Rat → Snake → Peacock

Long Answer Type:

Question 1. Differentiate among primary, secondary and tertiary consumers. Give one example of each in a food chain.

All plants are classified as photosynthetic organisms, or self-feeders, because they all manufacture food through photosynthesis. Insects like crickets, bees, butterflies, and crickets also consume plants or plant products such as fruits, flowers, pollen grains, and plant juices. Herbivores are animals that eat plants, such as rabbits, deers, pigeons, cows, and buffaloes. These creatures are known as main consumers. The main consumers are eaten by animals like tigers, lions, wolves, lizards, and frogs. Eagles, vultures, kites, and other birds are the main consumers of birds’ flesh, including pigeons and sparrows. These birds or animals are referred to as secondary consumers. The peacocks devour secondary consumers and are referred to as tertiary consumers when they consume animals like snakes. One of the top carnivores is an owl.

Question 2. Define the term (a) flora and (b) fauna.

Flora: Plants found in a specific location are referred to as the flora of that location; vegetative growth constitutes flora. Flora works with vegetation.
Fauna: Animals that live in a particular location make up the area’s fauna. Animals are the topic of fauna. The plants and animals that can be found there are known as an area’s flora and fauna.

Question 3. List any three members each of the flora and fauna of tropical rain forests.

On the western and northern and eastern coasts of India, there are tropical rain forests.
Flora: Bushes, ferns, and bamboos (Evergreen trees).
Fauna: Leopards, cats from the forest, monkeys, snakes, flying squirrels, insects, snails, centipedes, and millipedes are among the fauna.

Question 4. Define the following terms and give two examples in each case.
(a) Symbiosis
(b) Parasitism
(c) Predation

(a) Symbiosis: This term describes interactions between creatures of various species that exhibit close affinities. At least one of the participating species benefits nutritionally from symbiotic connections. Examples of symbiotic relationships include those between microbes and cattle and fungi and photosynthetic algae.
(b) Parasitism: A sort of symbiotic relationship in which one organism, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host, is known as parasitism. Four types of tapeworms, flukes, plasmodium species, and mosquitoes are examples of parasites.
(c) Predation: Any eater who kills and eats is a predator. In other words Predators are organisms that kill other organisms for food. Predators can be carnivores and omnivores. Example: Lions, tigers etc.

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