Universal Declaration of Human Rights ICSE Class 10 Questions

Universal Declaration of Human Rights ICSE Class 10 Board Exam Questions and Answers

Study Material

Students of ICSE Class 10 should refer to Universal Declaration of Human Rights ICSE Class 10 Questions and answers below which have come in past board exams. You should always go through questions which have come in previous years so that you can understand the pattern of questions in ICSE Class 10 History and prepare accordingly. This will help you to get better marks in ICSE Class 10 Board Exams

ICSE Class 10 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Questions and Answers

Please refer to solved questions for chapter Universal Declaration of Human Rights provided below. These questions and answers are expected to come in the examinations. Students should learn these so that they are able to answer the questions properly in exams and get good marks. Refer to Important Questions for ICSE Class 10 History and Civics for all chapters on our website.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Questions and Answers

❖ Definition of Human Rights – basic rights and fundamental freedoms which are quite essential for the all the human beings.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• The UN charter emphasize on social progress and better standard of life.
• It aims to promote human rights.
• It contain 30 articles.
• 10-12-1948: adopted
• The UN CHARTER(un declaration) determine certain basic rights

Important Civil Rights
          ✓ All human beings are free with equality
          ✓ Right to life and personal liberty
          ✓ Freedom from slavery
          ✓ Equality before the law
          ✓ Right to freedom of religion
• Important Political Rights
          ✓ Freely chosen representati6ve
          ✓ Right to equal access of Public services
          ✓ UAF
• Economic Rights
          ✓ Right to equal pay for equal work
          ✓ Right to form unions
          ✓ Right to own property
• Social Rights
         ✓ Right to Marry
         ✓ Right to protection
         ✓ Right to education
• Cultural Rights
✓ Right to participate freely in the cultural life of community

An Example of Violation of Human Rights and Elimination of Racial Discrimination
• 1963: General Assembly affirmed racial discrimination is offence to human dignity.
• Racial Discrimination is violation of UN CHARTER.
• 1973: Recommended various sanctions against racist regime in South Africa in Geneva.

Importance of Human Rights
• Right to freedom of speech gives to discuss freely for Public.
• Right to have Judicial remedy gives to approach court for Justice.
• Right to vote freely gives political rights.
• Right to have equal pay for equal work prevent exploitation.

Organisation Fighting Against The Violation of Human Rights
Economic and Social council of UN is an International organisation to protect human rights.
• It set up a commission
• Headquarter – Geneva (Switzerland)

Commission has done work such as:
• To prevent arbitrary detention
• To protect all persons from inhumanity
• To eliminate racial discrimination
• To protect right of children
• To protect rights of disabled persons

National Human Rights Commission is a National organisation to protect human rights.
• It has done indispensable work to protect political, Civil, children rights.

 Non-Government Organisation is works for human rights independently.
• India’s NGO have fought for human rights.
• 1959: UN General Assembly adopted declaration on right to Childs.
• 1979: UN General Assembly adopted declaration to eliminate of all forms of discrimination against women.
• 8 march: International Women’s Day
• It has a board of 30 members.
• It provide aid to needy countries.
• It depends on contributions made by different nations.
• Its main objective is to look after the children.

• It makes planning of benefit for children with consultation of many nations.
• It provides funds for welfare of Childs.
• It provides technical supplies and other aids, medicine etc.
• It provides low cost community based services in child field.
• It makes efforts to prevent diseases by which children grow healthy.
• 1979: International Year of The Child

Universal Declaration of Human Rights ICSE Class 10 Questions